Grow Your Income with Hobbies

IT service professionals specializing in onsite and online managed services,

Grow Your Income with Hobbies

Hi all, I’m going to start a blog series on how to use your hobbies to make extra income. Hobbies are a great way to start making extra money but how do you get started how do you market, how do you find a customer, and how do you close sales? Let’s start with less complex hobbies today that don’t require much initial investment. These are hobbies like graphic design, drafting, writing, reviewing, and anything related to using software programs. If you know the ins and outs of some software there will certainly be someone that needs your service. For example let’s take a photo editor. Even if you don’t take pictures you can always help assist in photo editing process. So go out talk with some photographers ask them if they would like to send you some work. Mabey they could refer their customers to you. First you touch up the photos and mabey even use an online photo book program to create them a scrapbook. Personally I write add copy and there are tons of online freelance sites that need people like me. From writing and layout of postcards, to short classified ads, and even some long personal review letters. Sometimes it can take a little while to become known so Dont be afraid to work some jobs for free. I know work for free what are you saying Scott! Well to build up a portfolio or to gain some recognition you have to work and it’s pretty hard for a customer to pass up free labor. They get your service and you get their review and a good start on a portfolio and reputation. So go out there and get some freelance work and start making some extra cash.


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