Hobby Money Makers with less then 500 Dollars Invested

IT service professionals specializing in onsite and online managed services,

Hobby Money Makers with less then 500 Dollars Invested

Hi All,

Welcome to the income generator series first post we started with some simple hobbies that can have zero upfront investment and that was software services. Use your software knowledge to work for people you can read that post over here. Using Software Skills to Make Money

Today I would like to talk about a the next money maker hobby and that is buying and selling or buy repair and sell. If your skills aren’t with software don’t worry there is still a great small invest money maker that you can be apart of and that is buy low sell high or you know really sell for a fair balanced price and buy repair and sell. Some of the best money makers per hour are to just buy stuff at a good deal resell it or repair it and resell it. So where do you find these deals? First place is local yard sales these are a great place to find items for resell. Second place that I like to look is craigslist  and ebay both are great places to find deals. A third option is local auctions and online auctions these can range from going out of business sales to impound lot auctions. A specific not real quick about business options though if your going to a restaurant auction to by kitchen machines and tools or other equipment there will probable be many bidders. The items to look for at that type of auction are the odd ball things like office computers and lighting fixtures these often go for dirt cheap as they are not what most of the bidders are looking for so you can snag some great deals.

Alright now that we know where to look for deals we need to know what to buy. Knowing what to buy is even more important then knowing where to buy it. How do we know what to buy? Simple find buyers ahead of time. So after we start going to these sales and we start looking at items and getting a sense of their value we need to know what we can sell them for or if we can sell them at all. My thinking is find the buyers in advance so how do you find them well you go to directly to the business ask them what they need compile a list and boom you have buyers for equipment. Second go to flee markets, swap meets, see what people are buying and looking at and base your purchase on that.

So we have know where to buy the items we know where to sell the items but know do we keep this going. Last thing we need to start a brand. Yep your own brand even if it’s just your know you need to establish  your self as an authority on wholesale goods when you sell something to someone let them know you have other stuff to let them know you can get other items if they give you a heads up ahead of time. Put yourself in a position to keep getting repeat customers. Repeat customers are the most important they typically make up 75% of a business revenue. So keep them coming back by letting them know you are a reliable supplier.



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